Sunday 21 February 2016

Why Irish politics is nothing more than one big, dysfunctional family

Watching the leaders’ debate reminded me of nothing more than a family fighting over who gets to be in charge of the tv remote, and mud-slinging when they couldn't say what they wanted to say.

Fianna Fáil was seen as the traditional 'head of the house', in charge for countless years until Fine Gael stepped up to the plate. Being the proud breadwinner, Fianna Fáil did not step down easily, and constantly try to undermine Fine Gael's proposals, and nit-pick at their mistakes. Despite Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael having almost the exact same ideas and policies, one will never admit that the other might be doing the right thing.
Fianna Gael insists on being the nagging housewife, always making it known that they are having to clean up the other half's mess. "You put us in this position," is a favourite saying of theirs, as they try to sweep the IMF under the rug.
Labour is like the ageing great-aunt, still attending every event but has diminished severely in the past five years.
Sinn Féin comes in as the stroppy teenager, demanding independence and wanting to know when it’s their turn to get to do things. They argue that their friends in the north get to do things and that it hasn't led to any trouble so far. However the family are not prepared to forgive Sinn Fein's wild, rebellious years in the past just yet.
Renua, the Social Democrats and the Anti-Austerity Alliance are young and like the children of the family. Who of course, are never listened to.

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